Friday, June 20, 2008

Crazy Summer!

Today we head off to the big city of Las Vegas! We are heading down today and returning on Monday. Tyler's dad is getting re-married! I am excited to get out of town but I am not excited for the 106 degree temperatures that are expected! I'm going to die of heat exhaustion! Lost has happened in the last couple of weeks. Tyler's great grandmother Vi passed away last Friday. Her funeral was on Tuesday. It was beautiful and she would've loved everything and everyone that came for it. Well I will update more when I get back and get some new pictures on here!

1 comment:

Allen Fieldhouse said...

sorry to hear of the passing of tylers great g'ma.
how ironic, you were in vegas while i was in n.d. :)
hope you survived the can be too much, esp. when pregnant!